Anti-Semitism: The Secular Justification

At the heart of secularism is the principle that critical thinking must be held above all else.

Anti-Semitism: The Secular Justification
AI assisted image and content comparing violent religious reality with secular peaceful existence.

The influence of religious texts, particularly those from Judaism, on the course of human history is undeniable. From the Torah to the Hebrew Bible, these scriptures have been central to the formation of beliefs that have shaped entire civilizations. However, from a secular perspective, these texts can also be viewed as man-made constructs designed to exert influence and control over populations. The consequences of such influence, especially when mixed with religious fervor, have often led to violence, division, and oppression.

The Concept of the "Chosen People"

One of the most controversial elements in the Jewish religious tradition is the idea of the Jews as the "Chosen People." According to the Torah, God selected the Jewish people for a special covenant, promising them dominion and blessings if they adhered to His laws. This concept, while providing a strong sense of identity and purpose for the Jewish community, has also been a source of tension and conflict with other groups. From a secular viewpoint, the idea of being "chosen" by a deity can be seen as a tool for asserting superiority and justifying exclusionary practices, which have historically led to friction with other communities.

Promises of Dominion and Global Influence

The Hebrew Bible contains numerous passages that promise the Jewish people not just survival, but dominance. For example, in Deuteronomy 28:1, it is written, "And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth." Such promises can be interpreted as a divine mandate for expansion and control, potentially threatening to non-believers and other religious groups who may see this as a justification for conquest or domination.

Messianic Prophecies and the Universal Role of Jewish Law

Messianic prophecies, which predict the coming of a savior who will establish a new world order, are central to Jewish, Christian, and Islamic eschatology. In Judaism, the Messiah is expected to gather all Jews back to Israel, rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, and usher in an era of global peace and justice. However, these prophecies also imply that the ultimate authority will rest with Jewish law, which could be seen as a threat to those outside the faith. From a secular perspective, such prophecies can be viewed as attempts to impose a particular religious framework on the entire world, undermining pluralism and the coexistence of diverse beliefs.

Historical Use of Violence and Coercion

Throughout history, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have not hesitated to use violence and coercion to spread their beliefs. The Crusades, for instance, were a series of religious wars initiated by the Latin Church to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslim control, leading to massive bloodshed and suffering. The Thirty Years' War, a conflict primarily fought in Central Europe, was driven by religious tensions between Catholics and Protestants, resulting in millions of deaths. In modern times, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to be fueled by competing religious and nationalistic claims to the same land, leading to ongoing violence and instability.

These examples illustrate how rigid, obedience-based ideologies within these religions can lead to conflicts that threaten global peace. When adherents believe that their faith is the only true path and are willing to use force to defend or spread it, the result is often devastating for humanity. This reflects an assault on sanity and critical thinking, as religious dogma can overshadow rational discourse and mutual understanding.

Religion's Failure to Create Peace

One of the most striking failures of religion is its inability to create lasting peace. Despite the promises of salvation and harmony, history shows that religious divisions have often been the root cause of wars, persecution, and social strife. The Crusades, the Inquisition, the European wars of religion, and even contemporary conflicts like the Israeli-Palestinian struggle, all serve as reminders of how religion can be a source of division rather than unity.

From a secular, rational perspective, it becomes clear that reliance on divine stories and religious texts as the basis for morality and social order is fraught with danger. These narratives, while providing meaning and identity to believers, also encourage exclusivity and obedience to authority, often at the expense of critical thinking and personal freedom.

Jewish Actions and the Formation of a Jewish State

It is important to recognize that the Jewish community, throughout history and particularly in the formation of the modern state of Israel, has demonstrated a commitment to executing the commands found within their religious teachings. The establishment of Israel, and its subsequent expansion, can be seen as a fulfillment of the Biblical promise of land and dominion. For those who believe in Judaism, these actions are not merely political strategies but are viewed as divine commands that transform religious teachings into reality.

From a secular perspective, this can be perceived as more than just a religious or cultural expression—it becomes a real act of territorial expansion that affects neighboring nations and communities. When any state government, acting under the belief of a divine mandate, threatens its neighbors, this is seen as a genuine act of aggression. To those who do not subscribe to the religious beliefs that justify such actions, these moves are not divine rights but real-world challenges that can lead to conflict and instability.

It is crucial to emphasize that recognizing these actions as potential threats is not inherently anti-Semitic. It is a rational response to the implications of a state acting on religious commands that may conflict with the interests of others. When religious ideology drives a state's policies in ways that impact the lives and territories of others, it transcends the realm of personal belief and becomes a matter of international concern. This is especially true when those actions are seen as fulfilling prophecies or divine commands that do not resonate with those outside the faith.

Organized Persuasion in Politics and Government

Moreover, it is essential to consider the efforts of the Jewish community throughout history to influence governments and political systems in support of a Jewish state. These efforts are not merely rhetorical or symbolic; they involve real actions to shape foreign policies and political decisions that benefit the Jewish state of Israel. This organized persuasion has been a significant factor in securing international support and defending the interests of Israel.

From a secular perspective, these actions are not viewed as simply an expression of religious beliefs but as strategic moves that have tangible impacts on global politics. For those who do not believe in Judaism or the divine right to the land of Israel as outlined in Jewish scriptures, these efforts can be seen as a direct challenge to their own national interests or beliefs. It is not anti-Semitic to view these actions as a rational response to organized attempts to establish and defend a Jewish state, particularly when those efforts are perceived as exerting undue influence on foreign governments.

Critical Thinking: The Secular Path to Truth

At the heart of secularism is the principle that critical thinking must be held above all else. Critical thinking involves questioning, investigating, and seeking evidence before accepting any hypothesis as truth. In science, a hypothesis is proposed to explain the unknown, but it remains just that—a hypothesis—until it is rigorously tested and proven. This process of verification is essential to understanding reality as accurately as possible.

In contrast, religion often mandates that believers accept a story that fills the gaps in the unknowable without requiring evidence or proof. This acceptance of unproven narratives as absolute truth is seen by secularists as an assault on sanity. It bypasses the necessary scrutiny and debate that are fundamental to critical thinking, and instead, demands obedience to a set of beliefs without question. To a secular person, this undermines the very foundation of rational inquiry and the pursuit of knowledge.

By demanding that the unknown be filled with a divine story rather than a hypothesis that must be proven, religion challenges the integrity of critical thinking. This approach not only stifles intellectual growth but also promotes a worldview that can be rigid, intolerant, and resistant to new information or perspectives.

A Rational Path to Peace

If humanity is to avoid the disasters foretold by religious eschatology, it must embrace critical thinking and rational discussion as the primary tools for resolving conflicts and building a better world. Rather than adhering to ancient scriptures that promote divisiveness, societies should focus on fostering dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among different cultures and beliefs. By moving away from the rigid, obedience-based ideologies that have historically driven conflict, we can pave the way for a more peaceful and sane world.

When critical thinking is prioritized, it becomes possible to challenge dogmas, examine evidence, and arrive at conclusions that reflect reality more accurately. This scientific approach to understanding the world not only respects the complexities of the unknown but also encourages continuous learning and adaptation.


In conclusion, the Jewish religious texts, along with those of Christianity and Islam, contain elements that can be interpreted as man-made constructs designed to exert influence and control. The concept of the "Chosen People," promises of dominion, messianic prophecies, and the universal role of Jewish law all have the potential to threaten non-believers and contribute to global conflicts. Historically, these religions have used violence and coercion to spread their beliefs, often leading to division, oppression, and war. From a secular perspective, it is clear that religion has failed to create a better world and that critical thinking and rational discussion offer a more promising path to peace and sanity.

Furthermore, the actions of the Jewish community, particularly in the establishment and expansion of the state of Israel, demonstrate that these religious teachings are not merely symbolic but are commands that believers seek to fulfill in the real world. Recognizing these actions as potential threats is not anti-Semitic but a rational response to the implications of religiously motivated state policies that affect others. When religious beliefs translate into state actions that challenge neighboring nations, it is a real act of aggression, not merely a divine right, and it poses a significant threat to peace and stability.

Additionally, the efforts by the Jewish community to influence foreign governments in support of a Jewish state are not just religious rhetoric but are organized actions with real-world consequences. These efforts, viewed from a secular perspective, represent a rational response to the organized attempts to build, establish, and defend a Jewish state, particularly by those who do not believe in a Jewish God or the commandments of Judaism. By prioritizing critical thinking and rational discourse over adherence to ancient religious narratives, humanity can move toward a future where peace and understanding prevail over conflict and dogma.

  1. Deuteronomy 28:1. The Holy Bible, King James Version.
  2. Johnson, Paul. A History of the Jews. HarperCollins, 1987.
  3. Armstrong, Karen. The Battle for God: A History of Fundamentalism. Ballantine Books, 2000.
  4. Hitchens, Christopher. God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. Twelve, 2007.
  5. Dawkins, Richard. The God Delusion. Bantam Books, 2006.