The Electoral College: An Unfair Advantage for Republicans and a Vulnerability to External Manipulation

Entities such as the American Institute for Tactical and Advanced Cybersecurity (AITAC) have highlighted how foreign actors can use social media, misinformation campaigns, and cyberattacks to sway public opinion

The Electoral College: An Unfair Advantage for Republicans and a Vulnerability to External Manipulation
AI assisted image and content: Scale representing the Electoral College with an elephant on the left and a donkey on the right.

The Electoral College, a mechanism established over two centuries ago, has increasingly come under scrutiny for its role in U.S. presidential elections. Critics argue that it disproportionately favors smaller, less populous states, many of which tend to lean Republican. This structure, they claim, not only skews democratic representation but also creates vulnerabilities that can be exploited by political action committees (PACs) and foreign entities, undermining the democratic process.

The Disproportionate Weight of the Electoral College

At the heart of the Electoral College's controversy is the unequal weighting of votes. Each state receives a number of electors equal to its total number of Senators and Representatives in Congress. This system means that smaller states, such as Wyoming and North Dakota, have a significantly higher number of electoral votes per capita compared to more populous states like California and New York. For example, Wyoming has three electoral votes for its approximately 580,000 residents, translating to one electoral vote per 193,000 people. In contrast, California has 55 electoral votes for its nearly 40 million residents, equating to one electoral vote per 727,000 people.

Religious and Educational Influences

Many of these smaller states, which gain an outsized influence through the Electoral College, also tend to have higher concentrations of religiously conservative populations. Protestant megachurches, which often espouse fundamentalist and extremist views, are more prevalent in these regions. These religious institutions can exert significant influence over their congregations' political views and voting behaviors.

Furthermore, these states often have lower percentages of residents with formal college education compared to more populous, urbanized states. Education levels are a significant predictor of voting patterns, with higher education levels often correlating with more liberal political views. The combination of religious conservatism and lower educational attainment creates an environment where Republican candidates are more likely to gain support.

The Role of Political Action Committees and Foreign Influence

The structure of the Electoral College also makes it easier for political action committees and foreign entities to manipulate the outcome of presidential elections. PACs, funded by wealthy donors and special interest groups, can pour resources into swing states and smaller states where their influence can tip the balance of electoral votes. This targeted approach allows them to achieve disproportionate impact with relatively smaller investments.

Moreover, massive U.S. corporations controlling political action committees can have an unfair influence over presidential outcomes and congressional representation. Their funding can shape electoral outcomes through a barrage of commercials and campaigns that heavily influence public opinion.

Foreign nations, through committees such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), can also wield considerable influence over electoral outcomes. They fund campaigns and commercials that sway people in smaller communities with messages serving the foreign nation's interests. This manipulation exploits confirmation biases within Christian extremist communities, many of whom are indoctrinated from birth to support certain ideologies and to align with the interests of perceived "chosen people."

Entities such as the American Institute for Tactical and Advanced Cybersecurity (AITAC) have highlighted how foreign actors can use social media, misinformation campaigns, and cyberattacks to sway public opinion in these strategically important states. By focusing on states with fewer electoral votes but higher per capita influence, these actors can subvert the will of the American people, leading to election outcomes that do not reflect the popular vote.

Christian Religious Extremism and the Founding Fathers’ Intent

The influence of the Electoral College extends beyond political leanings; it also impacts the broader cultural and religious landscape of the nation. Smaller states with significant electoral power often harbor strong Christian fundamentalist views, propagated by influential megachurches. This dominance allows for Christian religious extremism to exert considerable control over the political direction of the country. This scenario runs counter to the intentions of the Founding Fathers, who envisioned a government free from the dominance of any single religious ideology. The current system can be seen as the tail wagging the dog, where a minority with extreme views can wield disproportionate power, steering the nation in a direction not representative of the broader, more diverse American populace.

A Proposed Solution: Electoral Votes Based on Population

To address the issues inherent in the current system, a fundamental change to the allocation of electoral votes is necessary. Instead of assigning electoral votes based on statehood and land area, they should be distributed strictly according to population. This would mean that every state's electoral vote ratio would be identical, ensuring fair representation for all Americans. Such a system would eliminate the current disparities and prevent smaller states from wielding disproportionate influence.

Under this proposed solution, electoral votes would be recalculated to reflect the actual population of each state, providing a more equitable and democratic representation. For instance, if California, with its large population, has a specific number of electoral votes, a smaller state like Wyoming would have a proportionate number of votes based on its population, not an inflated number due to its statehood status.

This approach ensures that each citizen's vote carries the same weight, regardless of the state in which they reside. It aligns more closely with the democratic ideals of equal representation and mitigates the risk of undue influence from religious extremism and external manipulation.

Representation of Majority Values

If Republican values or the values of any political party truly represent the majority of Americans, then that ideology should be elected to lead the country. The fundamental principle of democracy is that the majority rules, and the leadership should reflect the collective will of the people. However, the current structure of the Electoral College subverts this principle. Despite having a higher percentage of people in America who lean towards Democratic values, Republicans are often able to control the outcome of presidential elections due to the disproportionate influence of smaller states. This scenario exemplifies the "tail wagging the dog," where a minority is able to dictate the direction of the nation, contrary to the intentions of the Founding Fathers.


The Electoral College, as it currently stands, undermines the principles of democratic representation by giving disproportionate power to smaller, often more religiously conservative and less educated states. This imbalance not only favors Republican candidates but also opens avenues for manipulation by political action committees and foreign entities. To safeguard the integrity of U.S. presidential elections and ensure that every vote truly counts, it is imperative to reconsider the role and structure of the Electoral College in modern American democracy. Implementing a population-based electoral vote system would provide a fair representation for all citizens and prevent the undue influence of Christian religious extremism, ensuring that America remains a nation where governance reflects the will of the majority rather than a vocal, ideologically driven minority.


  1. Edwards, G. C. (2019). Why the Electoral College is Bad for America. Yale University Press.
  2. National Archives and Records Administration. (n.d.). U.S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved from
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