The Power of Meditation in Shaping the Subconscious Mind: How Monotheistic Religion Destroys Free-Will

In ancient times, before the rise of monotheistic religions, people often worshipped multiple deities, each representing different aspects of life—beauty, wisdom, intelligence, love, war, and so forth.

The Power of Meditation in Shaping the Subconscious Mind: How Monotheistic Religion Destroys Free-Will
Ai assisted image and content depicting monotheistic chains restricting free-will

Meditation, an ancient practice, has long been recognized for its ability to clear the mind, enhance focus, and drive both conscious and subconscious behaviors. Through the deliberate practice of clearing the mind and directing attention toward specific objectives or desires, individuals can essentially "program" their subconscious mind, influencing their actions and decisions without the need for conscious effort. This article explores the transformative power of meditation, its historical roots, and how the shift to monotheistic religions centralized control over individuals' subconscious programming, effectively limiting personal free will and autonomy. It further argues that the submission to monotheistic religious governance not only strips individuals of their creative power but also fosters the emergence of power silos, leading to inevitable conflict and destruction. In contrast, the natural state of free will, if left unrestrained, creates balance and harmony, while the monotheistic consolidation of power paves the way for war and Armageddon.

The Mechanics of Meditation and Subconscious Programming

Meditation, at its core, is the practice of stilling the mind. In this state of mental clarity, the mind becomes a fertile ground for planting seeds of intention. When a person repeatedly focuses on a particular desire or objective during meditation, this focus becomes ingrained in the subconscious mind. The subconscious, in turn, begins to influence behavior in alignment with these deeply held intentions, often without the individual being consciously aware of it.

This process is akin to programming a computer. The conscious mind, through focused meditation, inputs the desired "code," and the subconscious mind, operating in the background, executes the program. Over time, this practice can lead to profound changes in behavior, thought patterns, and even the physical reality that surrounds the individual. This ability to self-program the subconscious mind underscores the potential power of meditation as a tool for personal transformation and achievement.

Historical Context: Polytheism and Meditation as a Path to Personal Power

In ancient times, before the rise of monotheistic religions, people often worshipped multiple deities, each representing different aspects of life—beauty, wisdom, intelligence, love, war, and so forth. These deities served as focal points for meditation and intention-setting. By meditating on the qualities represented by these gods, individuals could cultivate those qualities within themselves. For instance, by focusing on a deity associated with wisdom, a person could enhance their own intellectual capabilities through repeated meditation and subconscious programming.

This polytheistic framework provided individuals with the freedom to choose their focus and thereby shape their destiny. The gods were not seen as distant, controlling entities but rather as archetypes or symbols of the potential within each person. Meditation, in this context, was a means of harnessing the power of these archetypes to achieve personal goals and aspirations.

The Shift to Monotheism: Consolidation of Power and Control

The advent of monotheistic religions marked a significant shift in the spiritual and psychological landscape of humanity. Unlike polytheism, where individuals could choose which deities to focus on, monotheism introduced the concept of a single, all-powerful deity whose will was interpreted and enforced by religious authorities. This centralization of spiritual focus had profound implications for personal autonomy.

By consolidating religious worship under a single deity, monotheistic religions effectively centralized control over the collective subconscious of the people. Religious authorities, such as the Council of Nicaea in Christianity, played a crucial role in determining the official doctrines and practices that would be taught to the masses. By presenting these doctrines as the "divine word" of the one true God, religious leaders could shape the beliefs, values, and behaviors of entire populations.

This shift not only removed the individual's ability to choose their own focus for meditation but also allowed religious and governmental authorities to dictate what should be programmed into the subconscious minds of the people. The daily rituals of prayer and worship in monotheistic religions, such as the mandated prayers in Islam or the regular recitations in Judaism, serve as constant reinforcements of the prescribed beliefs and behaviors, effectively programming the subconscious mind to align with the will of the religious authorities.

The Emergence of Power Silos and Inevitable Conflict

A critical consequence of monotheistic governance is the emergence of silos of power—distinct and isolated centers of authority that wield significant influence over their followers. These silos, formed around the centralized worship of a single deity, naturally emerge from the need to control and direct the collective subconscious of large populations. In this system, the authority to define and enforce religious and moral norms becomes concentrated in the hands of a few, often leading to rigid hierarchies and a lack of diversity in thought and belief.

The existence of multiple monotheistic power silos—each claiming exclusive truth and divine mandate—inevitably leads to conflict. The very nature of monotheism, with its emphasis on a singular truth and absolute obedience, fosters an environment where differing beliefs are not merely seen as alternative perspectives but as direct challenges to the established order. This absolutism breeds an atmosphere of intolerance, where conflicts between these silos are not just likely but inevitable. History is replete with examples of religious wars and conflicts, all stemming from the clash between competing monotheistic power silos.

The Natural Dispersion of Free Will and the Dangers of Centralized Control

In contrast to the rigid structures imposed by monotheistic religions, the natural state of free will is one of dispersion and entropy. In both human beings and animals, free will is an inherent quality that, when left unrestrained, leads to a natural balance and harmony. This dispersion of free will allows for diversity in thought, belief, and behavior, creating a dynamic equilibrium in which multiple perspectives can coexist.

However, when this natural dispersion is subverted by centralized control, as seen in monotheistic religions, the balance is disrupted. The consolidation of power in monotheistic silos creates an artificial order that is inherently unstable. The suppression of free will and the imposition of a singular truth lead to a build-up of tension and conflict, which can only be resolved through confrontation and, ultimately, destruction. This path inevitably leads to war, destruction, and the potential for Armageddon—a catastrophic end born from the suppression of natural free will and the imposition of centralized control.

The Loss of Creative Power and Personal Autonomy

One of the most significant consequences of submitting to the monotheistic governance of religion is the loss of an individual's power to be their own creator. In a polytheistic framework, individuals were free to meditate on the aspects of life they wished to cultivate, essentially creating their own reality by focusing their intentions on specific deities or qualities. This practice empowered people to shape their lives according to their desires and aspirations.

However, under the rule of monotheistic religions, this creative power was stripped away. By mandating a singular focus on one god and the doctrines associated with that deity, religious authorities limited the scope of what individuals could meditate upon. This limitation effectively curtailed their ability to program their subconscious minds according to their own will. Instead, the programming was done according to the doctrines and teachings of the religious authorities, leading to a loss of personal autonomy and the creative power to shape one's destiny.

In essence, any human being who submits to the monotheistic governance of religion forfeits their inherent power to be their own creator. They become subject to the programming dictated by the religious authorities, which in turn shapes their beliefs, behaviors, and ultimately, their lives. This submission represents a profound loss of personal freedom and the ability to determine one's own path in life.


Meditation has the power to shape the subconscious mind and, by extension, human behavior. In the past, this power was harnessed by individuals through the focused worship of multiple deities, each representing different aspects of life. However, the shift to monotheistic religions centralized this power in the hands of religious authorities, effectively limiting individuals' ability to program their own subconscious minds and control their destinies. As a result, individuals who submit to monotheistic religious governance lose their creative power and autonomy, becoming subject to the will of those who control the religious narrative.

Moreover, the centralization of power in monotheistic religions leads to the formation of isolated power silos, which inevitably come into conflict with one another. This conflict, born from the suppression of natural free will, sets the stage for war, destruction, and potentially catastrophic consequences. In contrast, the natural state of free will—when left unrestrained—creates a balance and harmony that monotheistic control can never achieve.

Understanding the history and mechanics of meditation and subconscious programming offers valuable insights into the ways in which spiritual practices can be used to either empower or control individuals. By reclaiming the practice of self-directed meditation, individuals can begin to restore their personal autonomy and reconnect with their innate power to shape their own lives, free from the destructive influence of centralized religious control.


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