The Torah's Use of Plagues and Israel's Stance on Biological Weapons Conventions: The Concept of Plagues in Historical Context

The Torah's Use of Plagues and Israel's Stance on Biological Weapons Conventions: The Concept of Plagues in Historical Context
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In the Torah, plagues are depicted as divine punishments inflicted upon communities and nations to enforce moral and spiritual obedience. These plagues ranged from natural disasters and diseases to more supernatural afflictions. In a modern context, the term "plagues" can be understood to encompass pandemics caused by viruses and the devastating effects of chemical or biological weapons.

Modern Definition of Plagues

  • Viruses: Microorganisms that cause diseases by infecting living cells, leading to pandemics such as COVID-19.
  • Chemical Weapons: Toxic chemicals used to harm or kill, such as nerve agents and mustard gas.
  • Biological Weapons: Pathogens or toxins used to cause disease and death in humans, animals, or plants, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Israel and the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)

Despite being a signatory to both the BWC and the CWC, Israel has not ratified either treaty. This decision raises significant ethical and geopolitical questions, particularly when viewed through the historical lens of the Torah's use of plagues as tools of divine retribution.

The refusal to ratify these treaties has several legal and ethical implications, suggesting that Israel reserves the right to develop and potentially use biological and chemical weapons. Such a stance contradicts the ethical principles underlying international efforts to eliminate these inhumane forms of warfare.

  1. Legal Implications: By not ratifying the BWC and CWC, Israel is not legally bound by the full provisions of these treaties, allowing it to potentially develop biological and chemical weapons without violating international law. This lack of commitment undermines the global non-proliferation regime designed to prevent the spread and use of such weapons.
  2. Lack of Transparency: The non-ratification maintains a veil of secrecy over Israel's capabilities and intentions regarding biological and chemical weapons. This lack of transparency fosters mistrust among neighboring countries and the international community, potentially escalating regional tensions.
  3. Potential for Misuse: The Torah’s depiction of plagues as divine punishment can be metaphorically linked to the modern use of biological and chemical weapons as tools of deterrence or retribution. The non-ratification of these treaties suggests a willingness to retain such capabilities, posing a moral dilemma in the context of humanitarian law.
  4. National Security Interests: Israel's stance is often justified by national security concerns, given the volatile nature of the Middle East. However, retaining the option to use biological weapons under the guise of security interests sets a dangerous precedent, potentially encouraging other nations to follow suit.

The Need for Ratification and Global Cooperation

Ratifying the BWC and CWC would signify Israel's commitment to global non-proliferation norms and its dedication to ethical warfare standards. It would:

  • Enhance Regional Security: Building trust with neighboring countries through transparency and cooperation in disarmament can lead to greater regional stability.
  • Uphold Ethical Standards: Aligning with international treaties underscores a commitment to humanitarian principles, distancing modern statecraft from the archaic notion of using plagues or weapons of mass destruction as punitive tools.
  • Strengthen Global Non-Proliferation Efforts: Israel's ratification would bolster international norms against the use of biological and chemical weapons, contributing to a safer and more secure world.


The Torah's use of plagues as divine punishment serves as a powerful historical metaphor for the ethical implications of modern biological and chemical weapons. Israel's failure to ratify the BWC and CWC suggests a reserved right to develop and use such weapons, justified by national security interests. However, this stance is ethically questionable and potentially destabilizing. Ratifying these treaties would demonstrate Israel's commitment to global security and humanitarian principles, fostering greater trust and cooperation in the international community.


  1. Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) Text. (1972). United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. Retrieved from UNODA BWC
  2. Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) Text. (1993). Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Retrieved from OPCW CWC
  3. World Health Organization. (2023). Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). Retrieved from WHO MERS-CoV
  4. Zanders, J.P., & Trapp, R. (2019). The Chemical Weapons Convention: Multilateral Instrument with National Impact. Retrieved from OPCW Resources