TRUMP and Christian Nationalism: THE THREAT TO AMERICA
Trump, in turn, uses the evangelical base to maintain his political power and feed his pathetic ego. It’s a marriage of convenience where both sides are using each other to subvert the Constitution and gain power for their individual narcissistic, psychotic desires.
The leaders of the Christian Right Alliance (CRA) – individuals like Ralph Reed, Tony Perkins, Franklin Graham, and others – represent a deeply rooted movement in America that is less about constitutional democracy and more about advancing a Christian nationalist agenda. These leaders, far from respecting the constitutional values of religious freedom and separation of church and state, are religious extremists with a singular focus: transforming America into a theocratic state aligned with their version of evangelical Christianity. This agenda prioritizes a distorted interpretation of biblical prophecy, centering on obedience to the Chosen People and the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant, which they interpret as Israel taking dominion over the Middle East.
Christian Nationalism Masquerading as Patriotism
These figures publicly champion themselves as defenders of American values, but their vision for America is one that undermines the very Constitution they claim to uphold. The First Amendment guarantees religious freedom and protects against the establishment of a state religion, yet the leaders of the CRA are actively working to erode these principles. By promoting a Christian nationalist ideology, they push for laws and policies that align with evangelical beliefs, seeking to impose those values on all Americans, regardless of their religious affiliation or beliefs.
The goal is not simply religious influence – it’s domination. These leaders advocate for a society where Christian doctrine dictates policy, education, and personal rights, completely disregarding the religious pluralism enshrined in the Constitution. Whether it’s in their fight against LGBTQ+ rights, their assault on reproductive freedoms, or their attempts to inject religion into public schools, their agenda is not one of freedom, but of control – a control that places evangelical Christianity above the rights and beliefs of all others.
The First Amendment: The Shield of American Greatness
What these leaders seem to forget, or deliberately undermine, is that the First Amendment’s separation of church and state is not just a legal principle but the very foundation that has allowed America to thrive. This critical piece of the Constitution has ensured that people from different countries, different ethnicities, and different religions can come to America, experience capitalism, work, and thrive. The result? A great economy and a great nation built by the collective efforts of diverse communities.
The separation of church and state is what has prevented the religious tyranny that has plagued other parts of the world for centuries. Religious extremism, whether it was the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, or the constant inter-religious wars in Europe, dominated and suffocated entire regions for thousands of years. The Founding Fathers, well aware of these dangers, sought to protect America from such extremism by ensuring that no single religion could dominate the country’s governance. This shield has allowed America to maintain religious freedom and resist the kind of oppressive control that the Christian Right Alliance now seeks to impose.
America as the Capital of the World: A Pluralistic Power
What makes America unique and powerful on the global stage is its pluralistic society. America acts as the capital of the world, a microcosm of the entire earth, because it contains people, ideas, and cultures from every corner of the globe. The nation’s diversity is not a weakness but its greatest strength. America is made up of immigrants, of people whose roots span the globe. This fact serves as an invisible shield: an attack by America on any nation is essentially an attack on its own people, because the inhabitants of America come from all nations. Similarly, an attack on America by any nation is an attack on a piece of that nation's own people, because the diversity of America includes citizens with ties to nearly every nation on earth.
This interconnectedness has acted as a safeguard for the country, fostering a sense of unity in diversity and allowing America to balance its global power with internal harmony. It is this very pluralism that has allowed America to become a beacon of innovation, creativity, and progress, drawing strength from the vast array of cultures, perspectives, and ideas that make up its society.
Christian Nationalism: The Greatest Threat to America’s Diversity
The Christian nationalist agenda promoted by the CRA poses the greatest threat to America that has ever existed. A Christian nationalist theocracy, by definition, would undermine the very fabric of the pluralistic society that has allowed America to flourish. It would reduce the country’s rich diversity to a monolithic religious state, stripping away the freedoms that have allowed people of all backgrounds to contribute to the nation's greatness. In this theocratic vision, there is no room for the diversity of thought, religion, or identity that has made America the powerful nation it is today.
Such a theocracy would destroy the protections of the First Amendment, forcing all Americans to live under a singular religious law, regardless of their beliefs. This is not just a threat to non-Christians but to all Americans who cherish freedom, individuality, and the right to live according to their own values. The CRA's vision is one of exclusion, where the rich tapestry of American life would be reduced to a rigid, intolerant theocratic state.
Obedience to the “Chosen People” and the Abrahamic Covenant
What drives much of the CRA’s political and theological agenda is an unwavering allegiance to a radical interpretation of the Bible that centers on Israel’s dominance in the Middle East. Many of these leaders have been indoctrinated since birth to believe in a literal fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant, where Israel, as God’s “Chosen People,” must take ownership of all biblical lands. This belief system is not about supporting Israel for its geopolitical standing or democratic values, but about fulfilling a prophecy in which Israel's dominance brings about the "End Times."
This extremist vision sees American foreign policy as a tool for advancing these religious prophecies. The CRA’s influence on U.S. politics has pushed for unwavering support of Israel, even when it conflicts with American interests or destabilizes the region. The goal is not peace or justice in the Middle East; it’s about advancing a theological agenda that aligns with their apocalyptic worldview. These leaders care little for constitutional governance or diplomatic balance – their focus is on fulfilling their interpretation of God’s will, no matter the cost.
The Evangelical Church and the Church of England: Identical in Their Fascist Desire for Control
The Christian Right Alliance today is no different from the Church of England at the height of its power, both seeking to impose their religious will on society at large. Both institutions share a fascist desire to control humanity, disregarding individual freedoms in favor of theocratic rule. The Church of England sought to merge the monarchy with religious authority, controlling not only the spiritual but also the political life of its subjects. The Evangelical Christian Church, as represented by the CRA, is no different. Their desire is to see America governed not by democratic principles, but by religious edicts that serve their interpretation of Christianity.
What they seek is to undo the hard-won victories of the Enlightenment and return America to a time when church and state were indistinguishable, when the church had the power to dictate laws, suppress dissent, and punish those who dared to believe differently. The First Amendment stands as the greatest bulwark against this form of religious tyranny, and it is under constant attack by those who want to merge church and state in the pursuit of power.
Trump and Evangelicals: A Marriage of Convenience
At the center of this dangerous alliance is Donald Trump, a man who has no real interest in Christianity or Christian values. Trump’s life, from his business practices to his personal behavior, is the antithesis of Christian ethics. He does not care about the teachings of Jesus, the sanctity of marriage, or the principles of humility and service. Yet the evangelical Christian leaders of the CRA have embraced him wholeheartedly. Why? Because they don’t care about Donald Trump’s personal morality either.
For the CRA, Trump is a useful tool – a dictator-like figure who can help them achieve their theocratic goals. Trump, in turn, uses the evangelical base to maintain his political power and feed his ego. It’s a marriage of convenience where both sides are using each other to subvert the Constitution and gain power for their individual narcissistic, psychotic desires.
The true victim in all of this is America. Neither Donald Trump nor the evangelical Christian Church has any respect for the Constitution. The Christian Right Alliance is undermining the very principles that have made America great – the separation of church and state, religious freedom, and democracy. Their goals are not to serve the people, but to serve themselves, their desire for control, and their apocalyptic visions of religious domination.
The leaders of the Christian Right Alliance, with their unwavering allegiance to Christian nationalism and the Abrahamic Covenant, pose a significant threat to the American Constitution and the democratic values it protects. The First Amendment’s separation of church and state has been the most critical aspect of America’s greatness, allowing religious freedom, diversity, and economic prosperity to flourish. America’s pluralism, which allows it to act as the capital of the world, shields it from external attacks and strengthens its global power. Yet the CRA’s leaders, brainwashed from birth to follow a dangerous ideology, seek to erase these protections in favor of a theocratic vision where their interpretation of Christianity reigns supreme. And in Donald Trump, they have found a willing partner, not because he shares their values, but because he craves the power they can help him maintain. America must remain vigilant in defending the Constitution from these extremists before it’s too late.