The Parable of the Lost Sheep: The Hypnosis and Child Abuse of Religion
The verse Proverbs 22:6 instructs, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it," underscoring the importance placed on early religious education to secure lifelong adherence.
The Parable of the Lost Sheep is often cited as one of the most tender and compassionate teachings of Jesus, illustrating the deep care of the divine for every individual. However, upon closer scrutiny, this parable could be interpreted as a subliminal command issued by religious authorities to enforce conformity and prevent any attempt to break free from the grip of a religious belief system. By examining this parable in the context of similar teachings in the Bible and comparing it with practices in other religions such as Scientology, Judaism, and Islam, it becomes apparent that the message may not be as benevolent as it first appears.
The Parable of the Lost Sheep: Enforcing Conformity
In the Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:3-7; Matthew 18:12-14), Jesus speaks of a shepherd who leaves ninety-nine sheep to search for one that has gone astray. Upon finding the lost sheep, the shepherd rejoices more over its return than over the ninety-nine who did not wander off. Traditionally, this story is interpreted as a metaphor for God’s relentless love and His desire to bring sinners back into the fold. However, this parable can also be viewed through a more critical lens as a subtle command to maintain the unity of the religious group and to retrieve any member who dares to stray.
The shepherd’s actions can be seen as symbolic of religious authorities who feel threatened by any form of dissent or deviation from established beliefs. The lost sheep represents an individual who begins to question or break away from the religion, while the shepherd's pursuit and subsequent celebration of the return of the lost sheep suggest a mandate to pursue and bring back those who attempt to leave the fold. In this sense, the parable serves as a subliminal instruction to believers, urging them to monitor and control the behavior of others within the group, ensuring that no one escapes the "hypnosis" of religious indoctrination.
Religious Indoctrination: Hypnotizing the Young
Religions often begin their process of indoctrination, or what could be seen as a form of hypnosis, at a very young age. The formative years of a child’s life are critical for shaping beliefs, values, and identity. Religious institutions recognize this and employ a variety of methods to ensure that children are deeply embedded in the belief system from an early age. This early indoctrination serves to make the tenets of the religion nearly inseparable from the individual's sense of self, making it exceedingly difficult for them to question or leave the faith later in life.
Christian Indoctrination of Children
In Christianity, children are taught Bible stories, including parables like that of the Lost Sheep, from a young age. These stories, while appearing innocent, instill a subconscious message that leaving the faith is dangerous or undesirable. Sunday schools, religious education classes, and youth groups are all designed to reinforce these messages, creating a strong psychological foundation that discourages questioning or dissent. The verse Proverbs 22:6 instructs, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it," underscoring the importance placed on early religious education to secure lifelong adherence.
Furthermore, during religious ceremonies such as baptisms or confirmations, children are often asked to make commitments to the faith, further binding them to the religious community. These early rituals serve to psychologically anchor children in the faith, making the idea of leaving not just difficult but also frightening, as it could be perceived as a betrayal of these solemn promises.
Jewish Indoctrination of Children
Judaism similarly emphasizes early religious education. Jewish children are often enrolled in Hebrew schools or religious studies programs where they learn about the Torah, Jewish laws, and traditions. From a young age, they are taught the importance of staying within the community and adhering to its laws. The commandment in Deuteronomy 6:7 instructs, "Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up," highlighting the directive to continually instill religious teachings in children.
The Bar or Bat Mitzvah, a coming-of-age ceremony, marks a child’s official acceptance of the obligations of Jewish law. This rite of passage is both a religious and cultural anchor, reinforcing the individual’s identity within the Jewish community and making the notion of leaving the faith not just a personal decision but a rupture with a longstanding tradition and community.
Islamic Indoctrination of Children
Islam places significant emphasis on early religious instruction. Muslim children are often taught to read and memorize the Quran from a very young age, with Surah Al-Fatiha, the opening chapter of the Quran, being one of the first verses they learn to recite. The verse Quran 31:17 states, "O my son, establish prayer, enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and be patient over what befalls you," which underscores the importance of instilling religious duties and moral conduct in children from an early age.
The practice of memorizing the Quran, known as Hifz, and regular participation in religious rituals, such as the five daily prayers (Salat), ensure that the child’s identity is closely intertwined with Islam. The concept of apostasy—leaving the faith—is not only frowned upon but in some interpretations is met with severe consequences, including social ostracization or even death in extreme cases. This creates a powerful deterrent against questioning or leaving the faith.
Scientology’s Indoctrination of Children
In Scientology, the process of indoctrination begins as soon as a child can understand basic concepts. Scientology schools and youth programs teach the principles of the religion, including the concept of engrams (traumatic memories stored in the unconscious mind) and the importance of auditing (a process of questioning to clear these engrams). Children are taught that their spiritual well-being depends on strict adherence to the teachings of Scientology, creating a deep psychological bond that is difficult to break.
L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, emphasized the importance of instilling the religion’s principles in children early, stating in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health that individuals are shaped by their early experiences, including their religious training. The practice of "disconnection" from non-believers further isolates children from outside influences, ensuring that they remain within the confines of the faith.
Other Parables as Reinforcement of Religious Control
This theme of enforcing conformity and discouraging deviation is not isolated to the Parable of the Lost Sheep. The Bible contains numerous teachings that reinforce the idea that leaving the faith is unacceptable and must be prevented. For instance, in the Parable of the Weeds (Matthew 13:24-30), Jesus speaks of weeds growing among wheat. The farmer instructs his servants to let both grow together until the harvest, when the weeds will be separated and burned. This parable reinforces the notion that those who deviate from the "true" faith are like weeds—undesirable elements to be rooted out and destroyed.
Another example is found in the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32), where a wayward son leaves his father’s home only to return after facing hardship. Upon his return, he is welcomed with open arms, which on the surface appears to be a story of forgiveness and redemption. However, it also carries the underlying message that those who leave the faith will eventually suffer and must be brought back into the fold, reinforcing the idea that the community should pressure and encourage return.
Control and Retention Tactics in Scientology, Judaism, and Islam
The concept of using psychological and social pressure to retain members is not unique to Christianity. Other religious systems have employed similar tactics to maintain control over their adherents. For example, Scientology is notorious for its practice of “disconnection,” where members are instructed to sever ties with anyone who criticizes or leaves the organization. This creates a powerful incentive for members to remain within the fold, as leaving could result in the loss of familial and social connections.
Judaism, particularly in its more orthodox forms, also employs mechanisms to prevent members from leaving the faith. The concept of cherem (excommunication) has been used historically to ostracize those who deviate from religious norms, effectively cutting them off from the community. This threat of social isolation acts as a deterrent against questioning or leaving the faith.
Similarly, in Islam, the concept of apostasy—the abandonment of the faith—is met with severe consequences in some interpretations of Sharia law, including the death penalty in certain countries. This extreme measure serves as a powerful tool to prevent Muslims from leaving the faith, thus maintaining the integrity of the religious group.
The Parable of the Lost Sheep, when viewed critically, can be seen not just as a story of divine love but as a subliminal command to enforce conformity within religious groups. This parable, along with others in the Bible, sends a clear message: leaving the faith is unacceptable, and those who attempt to do so must be pursued and brought back. This practice of religious control is not unique to Christianity; it is mirrored in the retention strategies employed by Scientology, Judaism, and Islam. By beginning the indoctrination process in childhood, these religions ensure that their teachings are deeply ingrained in the minds of their followers, making it difficult for individuals to break free from the “hypnosis” of indoctrination.
- The Bible, New International Version.
- Kent, S. A. (1999). "The Globalization of Scientology: Influence, Control, and Opposition in Transnational Markets." Religion 29(2): 147-169.
- Pew Research Center. (2013). "The World's Muslims: Religion, Politics